This morning from 10a - 11a, Momma R attended a prenatal yoga class in downtown Brooklyn on Atlantic Avenue. Woooooosiiiiiiiiiii! It was sooooo refreshing. Yoga is mostly associated with the practice of postures, stretching, breathing and meditation. And what a treat I received this morning.
We practiced kegel exercises, we did the warrior and the tree pose (and boy am I off balance...I used to be able to do these poses with ease) and we stretched out our backs, sides and legs. She also had us participate in an exercise that would purposely hurt for 3 minutes, she explained that a contraction from beginning to end could last for about that long and we should discover who we are during a moment like this. Do we get angry, do we feel victimized, do we give up or do we feel confident. Ultimately, I believe this class is supposed to promote confidence, but let me tell you after that 2 minute mark Momma R almost threw in the towel.
At the very end of class she read us excerpts from the book (while laid on our left sides in the fetal position and relaxed), Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation by Gurmukh. Some of the ones I found to be the most encouraging are as follows:
- The strength that is found during pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood allows for transformation. Giving you the ability to overcome weaknesses and challenges we never imagined we could.
- Pregnancy allows you (as a woman) to take your power back.
- Leave the familiar and enter the unfamiliar with childbirth and motherhood - all the while...gaining strength.
Needless to say, I'm going back to this class next week and I'm also going to pick up a copy of the aforementioned book. When I left class today I couldn't help but to think/dream about how different the world will be when Baby R arrives, how different my world will be and how ready I am for DIFFERENT...a change.

Momma and Baby R