I can't tell you how excited I am for you and Rodney! Congratulations to you both! A baby is a true blessing and I know you two will be wonderful parents!
I know I've been MIA for a minute but IM BACK!!!! and I am about to be your personal paparazzi and start posting pics of you on a daily basis since everyone is begging to see pics of your HUGE BELLY...haha (kidding).
Anyhoo..I cannot wait for the lil diva to arrive. She's gonna be spoiled rotten by everyone...including the BRAS crew (Beverly, Rash, Amal and Selena) I know im retarded for trying to come up with a name for us. LOVE YOU and see you tonite! Oh..and post that pic of you asap or I will!
Until next time....
Aunt Amal.