Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
On the Blog Again...
Well, I have another doctor's appointment tonight and we'll see what good news (positive thinking) Dr. Blanchette has to say about the both of us and I will definitely keep you guys POSTed.
Thanks for the love, support and encouragement and I'll blog with you all soon.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Congrats Rashanda and Rodney!!!

Best wishes,
Older sis (FMI days)
-Big Sis Silvia
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Where do I start?

Don’t ask why they gave me that name?!@
Thirteen years have passed and I have memories of sleepovers at the Lee, partyin’ hard at the Icebox, making our way to the Ritz, plottin’ on our boyfriends, talking about the cheerleaders on the other team, eating conch fritters in the Bahamas, getting tatted up in Can Cun, and of course Rashanda crying on my shoulder:-) (You know I didn't mind).
Rashanda, I am not going to repeat what everyone has already said but I do want to say Congratulations and I wish you a BLESSED life with this child and many more, well at least one more to come :-). I know that this came as a shock for you, but who knew a child that is not even here could add so much joy to your life. I know you are filled with lots of happy thoughts and like your mom said hold on to all the memories that Baby R has in store for you and Rodney. What can I say…ready or not, motherhood is about to change your life for the BEST! I look at my son and I still can’t believe God trusted me enough to take care of this child. But I am thankful that he did because he has added a new meaning to the words BLESSED and THANKFUL! Baby R is lucky to have you as a mom and Rodney I haven't met you but if Rashanda likes you I'm sure you'll make a great father. I want you to know that although things have not been like they once were I am here for you and I am very proud of you!
What a gift!

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him" Ps.127:3
What a gift Baby R is! Rashanda, you are such an intelligent and strong woman, with a loving heart and beautiful personality...Baby R is also receiving a gift to have you as her mom! I am so excited for you Rashanda and can't wait to meet Baby R! She has so many people who are praying for her and love her already...just wait til she arrives! ;-)
Congrats Rodney & Rashanda! We are so excited for you!
--Kimani and Cortnee
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Congrats girl!
Girl I am so happy for you and Rodney! I say ditto to a lot of things others have said on this blog. I've known you since the 7th grade and I am amazed at how time flies! Long gone are the days of cheering for the Mt. Vernon tigers, going to see Rare Essence at the Ritz, or even hanging out at the BBS at UVA. Now you are about to enter a new chapter in your life....motherhood.
It is such an honor and priviledge to have the responsibility to nurture, provide, protect, love, and raise another human being. The Bible tells us that we should train up a child in the way he should go. I am confident that you and Rodney will do just that!
I cannot wait to meet this little diva! I'm sure she is going to have her mother's spontaneous and outgoing personality.
Congrats Rodney & Rashanda!
P.S. I'm envious of the fact that you have weighed 112 pounds all this time! Girl I haven't weighed that much since middle school. I'm sure you are going to go back to your normal size once baby "R" comes.
Much love,
Congratulations Rodney and Rashanda!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Yay! DC Loves You and Baby R :o)

God's Blessing
Lil Stomach
I am so happy for you.... You are going to make a great mother. I see you and you little stomach, once it was just full of it has life. How amazing is that. Congratulations on the little girl. God Bless you and Rodney. And Rodney I'll be throwing up a few more extra prayers for you boss....I've heard how women can get from time to time when they are pregnant.
Take Care,
Cousin T
The Diva is on Her Way
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What a Blessing!
My Baby "R" Having A Baby "R"
Baby R has arrived -- Oops that was my Baby R just twenty six years ago. It's hard to believe that my baby is having a baby!
A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die.-- Mary Mason
Rashanda and Rodney, know that we are all here to help and support you during this wonderful time. I love you both very dearly and cannot wait to enjoy the little blessing God has bestowed upon our family!

Certified Star...
Having a baby is the most delightful moments of your life. A child is the biggest blessing of God. I have no doubt that you and Rod will make magnificent parents.
Luv ya so much!!!
Gaining Weight and Dresses

More updates to come...
PS - Do you guys see how light I am (compared to the picture with Prima & I and Danee' & I, below)? I think a BABY MOON (a trip before Baby R arrives) is MUCH needed. Any ideas?
Makes My Day!
Last night as I walked up to my apartment, this was waiting for me...
Thank you Auntie Jules!
The card reads: Congrats on the baby girl!! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to dress her and play with her. Auntie Jules is here for you!! Love You, Jules
I love my friends and family! And again I must say this blog, your prayers, your words of encouragement, the balloons and flowers MAKE MY DAY!
Thank you!
Much Love,
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Love & Blessings from DC
Plentiful Blessings!!

Best wishes to Rashanda and Rodney. This baby is truly blessed to have parents such as yourselves. May these happy days have no comparison to what's to come...even better! I'll be sure to check back periodically to check out your bump, I'll add you to my bump surveillance along with Jessica Alba!
BTW, I see yall holding out on Baby R's name. Just promise me you won't create a Rodney and Rashanda name combo such as Rashiney or Rodshanda. Remember her name will be a resume header one day!! HAHAHA
Seeing all these pics on here makes me wish I had a throwback of our Horny Hornet days!! SSVA!!
Auntie Nae is very Excited...

OMGosh....when Rashanda called to tell me it was a girl I was like...DUH!! Both my mother and I have been referring to the baby as a girl for weeks now.
Congratulations to you both; you are very blessed!! I agree with Lauren, I can't wait to see the beautiful, intelligent AND active Baby R. I love you both and I know you will be wonderful parents!
What a blessing...Butterfly is having a baby girl!!!
Yay Rashanda and Rodney!
Ur Favorite Homie From the SSVA
I would first like to say Congratulations to the both of yall. Secondly, I would like to say Dang, another Rashanda is entering the world are we really ready for what's about to take place? Nah, just joking weather its a boy or girl its a blessing to give life, so again congrats and Rodney well just keep a stocked bar when they both get on your nerves.
Peace and Blessings,
New York Support System
I am overfilled with joy!!
Mellie Mel Checking IN!!! It's a GIRL

Denise Wilcher
New Picture!
What a blessing!!
It's a girl and I'm so excited for you and Rodney. I can remember the day my Aunt Angie and Uncle Skip had their 1st baby girl and that baby was you! I know the both of you will be excellent parents and Baby R is blessed to have you guys. Baby Girl R, welcome to the family.
Love, Tamara
Keep The Love Coming
Im so excited!!!!
Again Congrats R &R and be sure to bring that baby "home" so we can show it some 'urea love :)
Congratulations Rodney and Rashanda!

Congratulations Rodney and Rashanda.
I am so very confident that you guys will be the best parents, role models and heroes a baby can have, want and need. As the saying goes “to whom much is given, much will be required”.
Love Ya,
Lijah “Naomi Girl” Smith
Poppa Kapp Sounds Off......
I am so excited as well to know that I will soon be a _____father (can't bring myself to saying it yet) although Danee' is quick to remind me! This is something you should expect when you have daughters but you are never ready for the announcement when it comes. When you told me I had to be strong (you know Daddy style) and not let you see me cry, but inside I was bursting with joy and shouting Hallelujah!!! What did I say, "baby don't tell your Daddy you've been having sex?" and put my fingers in my ears all the while driving around the circle at Union Station. That was funny to me. LOL At Myself. But really, my excitement is that God is blessing us as a family by expanding us by one and in doing so will be enlarging our territory. Like Karen said, it takes a village. Yesterday when you called and told me it was a girl (here we go again, now I'm outnumbered 4-1) I shed a tear again! For those that don't know, we are a crying family and that was a time to sniff-sniff for Baby R! Rodney don't want to leave you out b/c I know how it can be. I Love You Man. I will be back up in NY soon, let's plan to do brunch and keep the appointment no matter what. Peace and Blessings.
Miss_Es...Boots for the lil' Baby!
Thank you for including me in the blogging experience. I have utmost faith that you will shower your child with all of the positive energy that fills you, but most importantly the passion & love that pours from your being! Yet again, I look up to you.
I sent this to KJ a while ago, but will post here too. Though I'm far from being a Mommy, I'm a very much involved Aunty & Godmommy. I was blessed & so very fortunate to be involved in the pregnancy experience of my sister and cousin. More so, the greatest gift that anyone can have is witnessing the birth of a child. I was present for both births. The most amazing and surreal moment was when I held my Goddaughter minutes after her Daddy helped clean her up. It was at that moment that I learned how pure and unconditional love felt... I've witnessed and felt the joys & hardships of raising/loving a child. When you're open to learning & allow yourself to join forces with a loving TEAM, it's very do-able. You've always had a village Ms. Butta', now your little will be blessed with her own.
Excerpt taken from author Iyanla Vanzant's book Faith in the Valley
"Loving a child and raising a child are two completely different things. Loving a child means learning how to nurture, teach, and guide. It means being free to let your child know who you are, how you feel, and what you need. Love requires truth, not just sheltering, protecting, or providing. Love means some fun, some pain, some joy, some tears, and absolutely no guarantees.
Raising a child means learning tolerance, patience, acceptance, and forgiveness. It means learning how to teach responsibility, accountability, and dependability. Raising a child requires discipline and obedience, practicing it and teaching it. It means keeping your eyes and your mind open to all things, under all circumstances. Raising a child requires trust, of yourself to do the right thing and of your child to get it…eventually.
Many of us love our children so much we forget to raise them. We forget they can see and think and feel. We forget they can fall and get up, with or without our help. We love them because we are afraid to lose them. Yet, we lose them because we forget to raise them.
-I must love my child enough to raise an adult."

I am soooooo happy for you both!
Aunt Bev Checking In

I'm so excited. I can't wait to meet my niece!! Rodney and Rashanda, you know I pray for you both and Baby R often! She's going to be such a blessed little girl to have such enthusiastic parents and loving stylish aunties like Amal, Lena, Crystal, Cort and me. And, when she grows up she can become a Wahoo!!! LOL
I love the three of you dearly!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It's a GIRL!
We were able to see Baby R's healthy heartbeat, growing limbs, fat little tummy and last but not least her private parts. And oh how private SHE was. She would not open her legs in efforts to keep her parts, duh...PRIVATE. That's my girl!
So, we all know Baby R's sex, but in order to have some element of surprise for June 2008 Mommy and Daddy R will come up with her name and it will be announced on the day of our precious little one's birth.
Talk to ya later!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
19 weeks!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
As the grandmother of Baby R, I am compelled to express my joy at the news of a child joining my immediate family. I was getting a little worried that it would never happen but I never thought that Rod and Ra would be the first to deliver. I'm confident that they will be responsible, loving parents. I want them to know that my husband, myself, Ronnie and Stef will always be there for them. I pray for a healthy grandchild and hope that I don't spoil it too much but I won't make any promises seeing how I have ruined the three I already have! I look forward to the big day and I hold Rod and Ra responsible for rearing Baby R with all the love and devotion that a baby deserves. Raising a child is not easy and demands a lot of your time and energy. You are held responsible for your actions and that of Baby R until he/she becomes an adult. That seems like long time but it goes by very fast. What you do from now until that baby is born will determine the mental outcome of Baby R. Sing, read, laugh and play music (not rap) to Baby R. Respect one another and introduce Baby R to positive influences, i.e., healthy food, clean environment, when possible, church, good schools and all of the things that you both were privvy to. We love you and Baby R. Looking forward to the blessed day!
January 13, 2008 6:40 PM

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Baby R's on the Way and I'm so EXCITED!!! Congrats Rodney and Rashanda!

Yes, it is a new day and age and Rashanda Grimes is oh so pregnant and oh so cute! The reason I have decided to start this blog is because Rashanda ives in New York but of course everyone in the DMV wishes we could constantly see and speak with her daily and of course--rub that lil' belly of hers! Since we can't do those things daily I figured that a blog would be a perfect way to see updated pics of Rashanda-or as I call her Lil' Butta-, Rodney and Baby R! This is the perfect outlet to provide prayer and support to both Rodney and Rashanda through written words of encouragement. Like the old a proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child." So in reality, if you know and love Rodney or Rashanda like I do, then you're pregnant too!

This blog will give you weekly updates on the pregnancy and will list upcoming events such as the shower and expected date of delivery. Pics will be posted and Rashanda will provide honest posts on how she is feeling day-to-day. I encourage each and every one of you to post responses to her blogs and add any comments you may have. Directions to post to this blog will be e-mailed to you! If you have questions or need help navigating through this blog please e-mail me at
Have a joyous and blessed New Year,
Karen James